
My name is Leonie

I’m currently a student at the University of Portsmouth studying Film Production and hope to enter the industry once I have finished my degree. I haven’t specialized in a certain area yet as I’m hoping to try my hand at everything before deciding on one thing to focus on, so I’m eager to try any role on set!

Action Plan

As a person I like to think I’m fairly easy to work with. If someone asks me to complete a task that needs doing, I will do it within time and will always do it to my best ability. I am also good when it comes to attendance of meetings and shoots and always try to be extremely punctual to them.

However, I do have to admit I do struggle with my confidence when it comes to participating my opinion when in a large group of people. I would like to say my public speaking has improved in the last few years, but that doesn’t mean I am as comfortable as i would like to be with expressing my views in front of people I am unfamiliar with.

Career Plan

Once I have completed my degree, I am hoping to enter the Film industry. However, as I am still yet to choose which area I want to specialize in, I would be happy doing any job available at the time.

Although, for example, if i were to try to become a Production Assistant following graduation, I would firstly attempted to find any jobs through an online search and through talking to people who I know in the business about any possible availability. During the time in which it would take me to find a job, I would be practicing any skills that may come in use during my career.
I think the role of Production Assistant would be very useful as a starting role as you would be able to create a relationship with the producer, and would be able to experience different elements to the process of making a film and get to know some of the people in the different areas.

Then, hopefully, i would be able to work my way up into a more significant role through the gain of skill and contacts that I would have gained over the years.


I have always enjoyed filling my leisure time with several different hobbies and activities. For example, some of these include:
– Painting/sketching portraits
– Reading fiction novels
– Going on various walks/hikes daily
– Photography
– Watching films and TV shows
However, I do also have a keen interest in the physiological elements in society and how experiences can shape us as individuals.

Engagement with Industry

Throughout my first year at university we have had several guest lecturers come to talk about their personal experiences with the industry. One of my personal favourites was when a producer for Big Brother came in to talk about his experience with guidelines for programmes and how that effects how the show is manipulated for bigger ratings. I found it extremely interesting hearing about the different scenarios the writing team had to think of in order to gain viewers, when they don’t even know if they will be successful or not.
I also found it fascinating when the lecturer for script writing came to talk about the process of script writing, and what you can do to help gain skill in the area. She also gave a sheet of facts and statistics on women in the industry, which was shocking but also really inspiring.

I have also had the experience of working on some of my course mate’s projects, allowing me to gain some more experience of being on set and also seeing how other people work.

Get In Touch

Feel free to contact me about a copy of my CV or to ask anything on my email leonie2271@gmail.com


You could check me out on my social media 🙂

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